Monday, June 7, 2010

Swansea - Part II

So, despite the course making me think I had to cure the world and realising I couldn't I did have a great time!

I wondered how much money had been spent over those three days on fruit and veg to feed the 20 of us. Everyone was popping strawberry punnets, blueberry packets and prepared fruit salads along with bags of lettuce, nuts and hummus by the barrel load!

Kevin was often found gnawing on a courgette or leek in the breaks! Sainsburys and Tesco in Swansea will have full shelves today!

And so what with Phil's one liners, the huge array of information he gave us, videos to refer to and books to read it was a fantastic weekend. I had wondered originally how he could fill three days, now I'm wondering how he managed to condense it into such a short space of time!

Food today:

Alkalising salts on waking
- Fit Camp
Ascorbics in pint of water
Avocado salad with cashews, seeds and hemp oil
Hot lemon water
- Fit Camp
2 carrots and hummus and spelt crackers (2)
1 litre water and salts
2 more carrots and hummus and a bag of lambs lettuce on the way to Balance
1 liter water and salts
- Balance
Home now for lunch (part 2)....

Good 'ere init?!!

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