Thursday, June 24, 2010

Emotional Health vs Physical Health

When I was in Swansea a couple of weeks ago for the Phil Richards Nutrition for Health course, the very first thing he said to us was that you can eat as healthily as you like, but if your emotional state is fragile or out of balance then you simply won't get the full benefits of your efforts. The body is hampered by the stress and cannot gain its full potential whether its strength, stamina, speed or just fat loss.

He said that 'emotions are the foundation of disease' and that people who are constantly sad, angry, cynical or hostile are double the risk of disease than those who have a more balanced life. In fact did you know that cancer cells can't exist without stress?

This was not news to me as I have seen clients and colleagues with a poor or negative approach to life suffer more than others.

I however am particularly bad at applying it to myself. I can counsel and suggest all manner of wonderful ideas to clients struggling with a tricky situation or managing an overloaded schedule. However when it comes to putting what I preach into practice I forget my own wisdom.

This came as a bit of shock to me though this week. I have for several weeks now been eating a much improved diet. I was already eating healthily by most people's standards, but have been implementing Phil's guidelines for sometime now. It involves a lot of leaves. Rocket, iceberg lettuce, Cos, spinach, watercress. You name a green leaf and I've been buying it. I have cut right back on my animal protein consumption. Hardly any meat, some fish, no dairy and am eating lots of avocado, nuts, seeds, pulses, healthy oils, fruits and raw natural foods. All good stuff and I really do rather enjoy it. I am not under eating, dieting or being faddy. I am just eating as naturally as I can, drinking lots of water and eliminating toxins.

I was feeling constantly tired though. This was making me miserable and I started to question why all the effort of eating natural ( I do like leaves, but Sainsbury's only have so many varieties!) was not making the jot of difference to my energy levels.

And before you all say. 'well you silly moo, what do you expect eating like a rabbit?'. There's no need to be rude! :-) But Phil knows his stuff. He has trained professional sports teams and men to their ultimate best and has done it primarily by changing their diet and their emotional health before making them brutally brilliant in their field.

It dawned on me as I was rushing from one job to the next, to one missed phone call to the next, to one late email to the next that I have been overwhelmed with 'jobs to do'. None of the 'jobs to do' were getting done particularly well and that was making me even more frustrated as I like to complete each job as well as I can.

This isn't a cry for help. It's a warning to all of you. We aren't superhuman. We need to take a rest, to have some fun and occasionally, to just do nothing. And you know what? You might not expect me to say this, but sometimes exercise isn't always the best answer. Exercise is a stressor, it will aggravate an already highly stressed system. We need to calm the system, do something like getting outside, take a walk or a gentle jog, have a massage, read a book, do something which promotes feeling good not feeling guilty or angry.

One of Phil's quotes that day was from a very highly regarded coach he mentored with called Charlie Francis. He said 'don't train if you can't gain'. Some sound advice to all sports people, amateur sportsmen, hobby exercisers and people wanting to shift the pounds.

Calm the brain and the physical health will follow.

That's my next 'job to do'.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Week 1 post Swansea update

Well I seem to have survived rather well. It's been a strange week training wise as I've had classes covered and not done my normal level of workouts but felt pretty good and alert all week.

I have become a bit addicted to my breakfast salad. I've discovered that adding prunes to avocado salad is lovely and is strawberries or blueberries. Drizzled with oil , it sets me up for the whole morning.

In fact Dale and I were only saying yesterday how food is no longer important any more. I used to love to bake cakes and biscuits at the weekend and, whilst I am sure the odd occasion will arise when I will again, they are no longer a staple of our diet. My appetite is definitely under control now and I don't long for foods to stick to my ribs and make me feel full.

I ordered two books last week following the course. Both of these are on dairy products and why we shouldn't eat them. The first one arrived today 'Don't Drink Your Milk' by Frank A. Oski. That's my first read then. We haven't had dairy for a while now, but as keen to get more background information so clients and campers can benefit too.

My last Pump and Balance at Nuffield tonight, off to learn a farewell release.

Friday, June 11, 2010

End of week 1 post Swansea

Here I am at the end of week 1 post Phil Richards course and at the end of week 4 for Fit Camp's may sessions. We've had some great results with our campers really pleased with what they have achieved in 4 weeks.

Lesley who lost 3 1/2 inches from her chest, Sarah who lost 6 inches all over (not height either!), Tom (who was not at all overweight) lost 7lbs and gained such upper body and core strength in such a relatively short space of time. Fab! I love it. I love hearing their results, I love it when they're so pleased with what they have achieved. It really makes my job so worthwhile.

I've dropped animal protein to one meal a day now, have aimed for 2 raw meals a day but not always maintained that as time and supplies have interferred with my plans. I've been taking my supplements (mainly), massaging magnesium oil in (usually) and feeding apricot kernels to my family daily.

Dale has looked into getting his silver fillings replaced and everyone has upped their vitamin C.

Gotta get this house in order before I go large on the public!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Tuesday ponderings post Swansea

So, I've been putting my own alkalising into practice since the weekend and do feel better for doing so. I don't feel hungry despite what most people would classify as rabbit food as being my main food stuffs, I feel less heavy around the belly and less tired during the day.

I have been deciding how best to implement what I learned and collate it into some useful information for campers and clients. There was a lot of information and I don't want to overwhelm people with science.

I have ordered a couple of books to get me started on the evils of milk and dairy foods and am also going to start reading up about the beauty of vitamin C which is quite simply necessary for us to function. Did you know we are one of the few mammals that don't produce it naturally? This means we simply must consume it otherwise we will quite quickly get deficient and the body will start to decline.

So, I am vitamin-c'd up at the mo, I've been taking mixed ascorbates, salads and fruit. No chance of scurvy or atherosclerosis or colds here... :-)

Right, off to read through my notes again!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Swansea - Part II

So, despite the course making me think I had to cure the world and realising I couldn't I did have a great time!

I wondered how much money had been spent over those three days on fruit and veg to feed the 20 of us. Everyone was popping strawberry punnets, blueberry packets and prepared fruit salads along with bags of lettuce, nuts and hummus by the barrel load!

Kevin was often found gnawing on a courgette or leek in the breaks! Sainsburys and Tesco in Swansea will have full shelves today!

And so what with Phil's one liners, the huge array of information he gave us, videos to refer to and books to read it was a fantastic weekend. I had wondered originally how he could fill three days, now I'm wondering how he managed to condense it into such a short space of time!

Food today:

Alkalising salts on waking
- Fit Camp
Ascorbics in pint of water
Avocado salad with cashews, seeds and hemp oil
Hot lemon water
- Fit Camp
2 carrots and hummus and spelt crackers (2)
1 litre water and salts
2 more carrots and hummus and a bag of lambs lettuce on the way to Balance
1 liter water and salts
- Balance
Home now for lunch (part 2)....

Good 'ere init?!!

Weekend Review - Swansea Nutrition Course

I had been waiting a long time for a course like this. A course which is run by someone who has tried and tested what he talks about. A course which is controversial in most of its claims, knows it and doesn't care and a course which gave me the information that I knew I could use with family, clients and friends to help them get and feel healthy or help them prevent or recover from disease.

Phil Richards has trained Olympians, World Champions and National Sporting stars. He knows his stuff. He has made mistakes along the way, he told us so often enough, but realises that especially with nutrition it is a constant journey finding the best ways to tweak the diet for optimum health and performance.

Day one was depressing. He showed us how we are very slowly poisoning ourselves, with how we eat, the water we drink, vaccinate, fill teeth and prescribe medications and how this is aiding the huge increase in life threatening diseases. He also said that for every nay-sayer there will be two, three or four counter arguments and we need to take responsibility for finding out ourselves about our health.

On a lighter note this is the man of wonderful one liners! I started to write them down as they just come out of nowhere! (You have to say this in a Welsh accent)

"We're not meant to be meat eaters, we've got gay little teeth that couldn't bite the arse of an elephant"

Day two was supposed to be uplifting and positive, but at times I felt even more duped by the media, the medical profession and the corporates for selling us a lie. Now I know what some of you are thinking...'ah she'd been brain washed, she's an easy target for this fluffy -hippy nonsense', well you know what? I am not going to divulge one ounce of what I've learned yet before I make my own research subject by subject so I can make my own decision and then clearly and happily use it in conversation. But enough of a seed has been sown that I will go and search it out for myself.

"I'd never make a power lifter a vegan, he'd have the strength of a pregnant goldfish"

Day three was still a bit of a downer, but I did however meet the most incredible lady. She was on our course, she was there for her own knowledge rather than being in the fitness profession. I am not sure of the exact timings but 18 months ago she was 5 stone heavier and diagnosed with cancer. She was told she wasn't going to make it and that she should tell her kids and prepare for her death. She wasn't prepared to put up with this and started to research how to get better naturally. So she took action. She researched natural cures, persisited in doing the very best she could for herself and believed she would succeed. So, as a result she lost all the excess weight, if she was a size 10 now I'd be surprised. She looks glowing and full of health, in better health than the rest of us from the fitness industry who were at the course and when she had her bloods checked by Phil on Sunday (4 weeks since the last test) showed the best blood results he had ever seen in anyone. The change was remarkable. This lady is a living, walking testament to what you can do to preserve yourself through good, positive thoughts, clean eating and drinking and natural supplementation. I'm so glad I met her.

"the RDA for Vitamin C is so low it's not enough to give a hamster a hard on"

I had a wonderful weekend. The news was grim at times, however we were left in no uncertain terms that what we'd been taught was controversial, but that the news was good. That we would be opening ourselves up to some derogatory comments from some, but find new relationships with others who felt the same way. And that if we applied the principles to us first. Felt the beenfits, saw the difference and did the research then those who want to listen will appear.

I'm off now to Google and Amazon and You Tube.....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Back on the wagon...

Well I've had a food holiday and whilst it was great at the time I feel it now. I've had the great excuse of my birthday and then just 2 weeks later, my husband's birthday and I like baking and we had to have a cake! However the consequences of such laziness are being felt.

I have found that my stomach is now heavy and bloated. I am out of breath during my classes where before I was fit and coping easily, I am tired again. You know what? It's worth putting the effort into eating well.

I had avocado and goats cheese salad for breakfast today, I did have a coffee, but I am cutting right down on that again too. Not too much and not every day. I am going to be increasing my water intake again, I've been sluggish and tired. I'm going to eat way more veg and salads and cut back on my (lovely) spelt bread.

I'll keep you posted. I've got Phil Richards nutrition course this weekend, that will reignite me!