Well, I thought I would restart my blog on something other than what I've eaten. Not very interesting for most of you I'm sure.
I have for many years been interested in diet, nutrition, healthy eating. Call it what you will. Even before I got into fitness as a profession I had been considering doing a Diploma in Nutrition, but needed Science A levels and as I didn't have those it stopped there. Any possibility was thwarted even more as two babies appeared in pretty quick succession too!
As time has gone by, I have become more aware of food as a medicine for good health and disease prevention and also frustrated by the medical and pharmaceutical companies pushing medication for business sake. Whilst on holiday this year, having read two very interesting nutrition books, (no chick-lit for me!) my husband said the ominous words, "so what are you going to do with all this knowledge?". Hmm, I'd not thought of that, so on the spur of the moment decided to research Naturopathy courses.
The one that got my attention was a degree course being run by the University of Westminster. Yep, I still needed A' levels and yes I needed Science ones at that, but experience from working in the industry was considered. So I applied on August 29th, thinking it was quite late to apply for a September start.
Last week I got confirmation that I'd been accepted. Yippee! Now I had to decide if I could manage 5 years of part-time study alongside working long days and unsociable hours. Eek! I decided I could. I enrolled on-line last week and apart from paying the fees I'm on!
So enrolment is tomorrow at the University of Westminster (UoW from now on) so I'm off to see what I've let myself in for.
For someone who never had any interest in going to University when I was 18, I am now pretty damn excited about the whole prospect of learning something that I can really get my teeth into, on a subject that I am passionate about. My one concern is not knowing how the timetable will pan out as I would love it to fit into my topsy-turvey week. However all will be revealed tomorrow.
I am going to keep a post on my progress, tell you what I've learned and how it's going.
Now, the big question is...how many other 40 year olds are going to be signing up to University with me tomorrow?!
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